{ "total": 27, "page": 1, "perPage": 100, "records": [ { "id": 102406, "name": "Ignite", "effect": "Give a creature burn +1.", "god": "death", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 1, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "tides", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C12-T006", "lib_id": "L12-T006" }, { "id": 102405, "name": "Create", "effect": "Add a random Nature spell to your hand.", "god": "nature", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 3, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "tides", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C12-T005", "lib_id": "L12-T005" }, { "id": 102402, "name": "Fracture", "effect": "Deal 1 damage to a damaged creature.", "god": "war", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 1, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "tides", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C12-T002", "lib_id": "L12-T002" }, { "id": 102401, "name": "Radiance", "effect": "Give a creature -1 strength.", "god": "light", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "tides", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C12-T001", "lib_id": "L12-T001" }, { "id": 102404, "name": "Overcharge", "effect": "Gain spell boost +1 until the end of turn.", "god": "magic", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "tides", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C12-T004", "lib_id": "L12-T004" }, { "id": 102403, "name": "Guild Shiv", "effect": "Equip a 1/2 Makeshift Shiv with Godblitz and Flank.", "god": "deception", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "tides", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C12-T003", "lib_id": "L12-T003" }, { "id": 100114, "name": "Onslaught", "effect": "Give blitz to one of your creatures.", "god": "war", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "core", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C549", "lib_id": "L2-T046" }, { "id": 100009, "name": "Cultivate", "effect": "Give all friendly creatures +2 strength.", "god": "nature", "rarity": "epic", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "genesis", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C772", "lib_id": "L1-T007" }, { "id": 100004, "name": "Ruin", "effect": "Deal 1 damage to each creature.", "god": "war", "rarity": "epic", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "genesis", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C768", "lib_id": "L1-T002" }, { "id": 100005, "name": "Blight", "effect": "Give burn +12 to a creature.", "god": "death", "rarity": "epic", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "genesis", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C769", "lib_id": "L1-T003" }, { "id": 100006, "name": "Larceny", "effect": "Add a copy of a random card from your opponent's god to your hand. Summon a 1/1 Rogue Skulker.", "god": "deception", "rarity": "epic", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "genesis", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C770", "lib_id": "L1-T004" }, { "id": 100007, "name": "Shine", "effect": "Summon two Will O' Wisps.", "god": "light", "rarity": "epic", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "genesis", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C771", "lib_id": "L1-T005" }, { "id": 100008, "name": "Seer", "effect": "Foresee 2.\u003cbr\u003eDraw a card.", "god": "magic", "rarity": "epic", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "genesis", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C767", "lib_id": "L1-T006" }, { "id": 100111, "name": "Flourish", "effect": "Give regen +1 to a friendly creature.", "god": "nature", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "core", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C667", "lib_id": "L2-T043" }, { "id": 100113, "name": "Enrage", "effect": "Give +1 strength and deal 1 damage to one of your creatures.", "god": "war", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 1, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "core", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C671", "lib_id": "L2-T045" }, { "id": 100106, "name": "Soul Burn", "effect": "Deal 1 damage to both gods.", "god": "death", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 1, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "core", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C664", "lib_id": "L2-T038" }, { "id": 100119, "name": "Flip", "effect": "Shuffle two cards into your deck. For each card shuffled, draw a card.", "god": "deception", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "core", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C679", "lib_id": "L2-T051" }, { "id": 100117, "name": "Heal", "effect": "Heal 2.", "god": "light", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "core", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C675", "lib_id": "L2-T049" }, { "id": 100125, "name": "Thievery", "effect": "Delve a 1 mana spell from your opponent's domain.", "god": "deception", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 3, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "core", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C685", "lib_id": "L2-T057" }, { "id": 100115, "name": "Summon Acolyte", "effect": "Summon a 2/2 Acolyte.", "god": "light", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 3, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "core", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C673", "lib_id": "L2-T047" }, { "id": 100126, "name": "Clear Mind", "effect": "Foresee 1.", "god": "magic", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 1, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "core", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C687", "lib_id": "L2-T058" }, { "id": 100127, "name": "Magebolt", "effect": "Deal 1 damage.", "god": "magic", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "core", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C689", "lib_id": "L2-T059" }, { "id": 100121, "name": "Animal Bond", "effect": "Summon a 1/2 Badger with confused.", "god": "nature", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "core", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C681", "lib_id": "L2-T053" }, { "id": 101307, "name": "Raid", "effect": "Summon a 1/1 Valknir Raider.", "god": "war", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "order", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C8-T008", "lib_id": "L8-T008" }, { "id": 101309, "name": "Sacrifice", "effect": "Draw a card and take 2 damage.", "god": "death", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 3, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "order", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C8-T010", "lib_id": "L8-T010" }, { "id": 101308, "name": "Stealth", "effect": "Give a creature hidden for 1 turn.", "god": "deception", "rarity": "common", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 3, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "order", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C8-T009", "lib_id": "L8-T009" }, { "id": 1002000, "name": "Lysander's Justice", "effect": "Give +2/+1 to the Chosen One.", "god": "light", "rarity": "epic", "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false }, "mana": 2, "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false }, "type": "god power", "set": "verdict", "collectable": false, "live": "true", "art_id": "C11-001-T2", "lib_id": "L11-001-T1" } ] }